Ed Brubaker (writer of Uncanny X-Men, and many other top notch books you should read) had this to say over on the Bendis Boards about the X-Men: Disassembled image released on Friday......
Wow. I just want to say, I have no idea what that image is, or why they released it. I was not consulted on this at all. Weird...
Here's the
link to the post if you wish to confirm.
.The image in question is this one.......
So, if I had to guess, Brubaker is playing dumb and he has everything to do with this project. It looks like Brubaker is finally getting his shot at a big Marvel event.
From the information I pulled together, it sounds like this X-Men event will be a house cleaning with the full menu of usual event stuff (deaths, title cancellations, deus ex machinas, etc.). Is it just me, or does that sound kind of like House of M?
Okay, so here's the bottom line: Brubaker is Brubakin' an X-event, and I'm sold (as you should be too).
On another note, I stopped by my local comics shop today and noticed some old Marvel previews laying around. One particular cover had Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 on it. However it looked off. Well, turns out Bryan Hitch changed the cover in between the time that the preview went out, and when the actual issue came out.
Here's the cover that was on the Marvel Preview......
Here's the published cover.......
Johnny is slightly more on fire and Sue has had a bit of a makeover.
Well, that's pretty much all I've got in the way of observations for today.
Oh, and before you leave, I'd also like to congratulate Tony Moore (artist on Fear Agent, and Exterminators)! He got married today!