All stories are sourced from unreliable individuals and checked with random publisher representatives before publication. The veracity of each story is judged by me and given a spotlight - Green is like saying "There's no chance in hell", Amber means "WTF Dude?", and Red means that I completely made it all up because I'm evil. Lounging In The Gutters is for my entertainment, and there is a good chance that by reading this column you will actually make the world a worse place to live in. Cheers.
Cage Match: Quesada Vs. Deodato Jr.!?!?!?!
Joe Quesada's original (note Luke Cage on the left)........
Mike Deodato's Luke Cage in the middle top........
You have to have some pretty big Wakandans to swipe the EiC of Marvel Comics!
Oh, and this just in........
Deodato's Norman Osborn in the Thunderbolts
The Real Life Tommy Lee Jones (fully pose able and he even comes with a cowboy hat!)

Hal, I am your Fasha!!!!!!
Word on the street is that when Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver re-team for their third Green Lantern story, which they are playfully calling "their Return of the Jedi," there might be some more similarities to the final part of the Star Wars trilogy than just sequence in a series. Whispers are bubbling up and suggesting that a certain purple, mustache twirling bad guy might be making the ultimate sacrifice and/or be turning back to the good side.
John Byrne and.........Mike Deodato?!?!?!?!
Mike Deodato (On the right) makes yet another appearance as he's seen fraternizing with the bad boy.....well, better make that bad old man of comics: John Byrne.

Holy Bat Shark Repellent! Something here is fishy. Until next time, to the intern cave!
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