Thankfully things have changed, and I have seen the light. This is pretty much it for this series, so what routes does Brian K. Vaughan have? He could go one of three ways for the ending.........
The Disney Movie AKA "Everyone's happy and people start spouting rainbows out of their orifices."
I kind of hope against this option. After having gone through sixty issues and seeing Yorick, 355, and many others cheat death, it would almost seem too telegraphed. BKV is too good of a writer to give us the vanilla ending in my opinion. But hey, it's still an option.
The Romeo and Juliet
I personally like this one. Since I fully support the idea that life isn't fair, I think it would be fitting if now that Yorick has finally gotten to where he's wanted to be, that he bites it. Maybe Beth too. Yeah, after what she pulled I think she needs to get taken care least for the sake of being dramatic.
The Sopranos
I pray that BKV doesn't do this. I'd take the Disney ending rather than a non ending. This is a very scary possibility for me, and I have a suspicion that the ending might pull something along these lines. Kill Yorick, or make everyone hug and ride off into the sunset. Anything but this.
The 60th issue is still a ways off, but seeing the 58th on the shipping list got me on my soapbox.
Overall, this is a pretty big week for comics not coming from Marvel and DC (Vertigo doesn't count as DC, get over it). Not only does Y hit shelves, but Buffy #6 (another BKV product I believe), The Boys #10, and Lobster Johnson the Iron Prometheus #1 ship! Unfortunately, money is tight enough that I'm only probably buying two of those books, but hey, that's what trades are for.
DC has nothing too astonishing. Only Infinity Inc. #1 caught my interest, and that's merely because anything springing from 52 has my ringing endorsement.

Marvel on the other hand has a couple promising books. One being Captain America: The Chosen which is drawn beautifully, and written by the guy who brought you Rambo. Another would be One More Day, which is finally kicking off (it really should be titled Back In Black pt. 6), and besides the art being completely awesome, there might be some big changes going on in the life of Peter Parker (hinty hint hinteroo). The final book to watch is Hulk #110. Hulk smash, me buy.

That's all I got. I say good day true believers.
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