Rumor numero uno is that Acuna is doing some Fantastic Four work. This of course would be coming in a mini series, or one shot form, since Millar and Hitch will have the main title tied up for at least a year if not more. This rumor seems to mesh, since Marvel just released the FF: Isla De la Muerte one shot, which also featured some very unique art by Juan Doe, and it happened to have a Latin American slant to it. So look for some Acuna FF stuff in the coming months.
Rumor the second is that Acuna might be lined up for some thrice weekly Spidey work. Past the current lineups that we've seen, there haven't been any more announcements when it comes to creative teams. The first 4 teams get us through four months of material. So announcements on who might be drawing and writing after that should be made in a month or so due to required solicit information. The best bet right now is that he's going to be paired with Dan Slott, since Slott's current partner is Steve Mcniven, whose already said he's on for the first three issues and that's it. John Romita Jr. is also rumored to be making a return to Spider-Man as well.
The third and final rumor is that Acuna might do a couple issues of the Incredible Herc'. Khoi Pam is (most likely) going to be the new regular artist on Mighty Avengers after Mark Bagley's run, so that leaves the pencilling duties up for grabs on Herc'. Confirmation (or what I consider confirmation) arrived in my inbox yesterday........

That's the cover for issue #114, which is listed as pencilled by Khoi Pam still. So Acuna's pencils might materialize a little further down the road for this one.
Also in that email was the Art Adams cover to that same issue......

Well, that's all for today. Speculate away!
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