I decided to start reviewing comic books every week again! Hey, I am supposedly running a comic book website, so I guess that seems like a good idea. How am I going to do this when I purchase a ridiculous amount of books each week? Easy, just write one sentence summing up my feelings on each and every book. Not only is it taking the easy way out, but it also allows me to say that I actually am a comic book "reviewer." Everybody wins (especially me). On with it........
Action Comics #861

"This story belongs in a Legion book, not in Action Comics, and Gary Frank's art is the only thing that's keeping me on board."
Avengers: Initiative #9

"This continues to be the best Avengers book on the market, and truth be told, it only has one Avenger in it (the wife beating one)."
Batman #673

"Tight, sharp storytelling that seems to be the best synthesis of Grant Morrison 'trippiness' and conventional Batman that we've seen so far in his disjointed run."
Captain America #34

"I don't care who's in the Cap costume, because no matter what, I can trust Brubaker and Epting to deliver like they did here."
Captain America: The Chosen #6

"There is no difference between the plot in issue 1 and the plot in issue 6, nuff' said."
Countdown #13

"It looks like the last chunk of Countdown is going to rock, but I won't forget that I was led on for months and months to get to this point."
Green Lantern #27

"See Captain America #34 above, and just insert Johns and McKone/Reis for Brubaker and Epting."
Mighty Avengers #8

"This is all Frank Cho's fault."
New Avengers Annual #2

"Things are being shaken up, and it feels like Bendis really has a plan for this book (as opposed to Mighty Avengers)."
Spider-man: With Great Power #1

"A wonderful balance between nostalgia and modern storytelling, and Tony Harris can frickin' draw."
Y: The Last Man #60

"Everything comes full circle, and upon multiple readings, I have come to appreciate what Vaughan did here (this issue deserves more than a single sentence, so be on the lookout for something more in th next couple days)."
A very solid week, this was.
Despite a couple blemishes, I would have to say this was the best week of January shipping items.
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