Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Top Ten Comics?

From now on, the Comics Corner will be a team effort between myself, Christopher Hoerdemann, newcomer Wesley Humphrey, fellow newcomer Drew Browne, and final newcomer Adam Adrian! With a fleet of fellow comic book nerds pushing me to think more about comics, it's safe to say that this site will be updated much more frequently from now on! Plus, we all have our own style of writing. For example, I like uppity and cliche sayings, and Adam has that stream of consciousness thing going for him.

Our first task we decided upon is very general: name your top ten favorite comics of all time, and give a short explanation of why they make your list. And away we go (THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS AWAITING YOU!).......

Christopher's list

1) Y: The Last Man #58
After 58 issues where you've come to care about a character, it's very painful to watch that character die. Bravo BKV for making the death of a fictional character so meaningful (I don't want to spoil this because it really might take away from the experience of reading it first hand).

2) Dark Knight Returns Book #4
The Dark Knight defeats Superman, as drawn and written by Frank Miller when he still really knew what he was doing.

3) Invincible #13
One of the most brutal fights I've seen in a comic. Omni-Man beats the pulp out of his son Invincible, and the brightly colored art just adds to the brutality of the situation.

4) Green Lantern Rebirth #4
Hal Jordan finally puts the ring back on for real, and Geoff Johns's Green Lantern Saga really starts to gain momentum. Plus, Ethan Van Sciver draws some darn good super heroes.

5) Walking Dead #48
The death of what felt like the entire supporting cast, topped off by the brutal shooting of Lori and her infant make this one of the best, and most discomforting comics I've ever read.

6) Ultimates #12
"Do you think this letter on my head stands for France," badass Thor, and the dropping Bruce Banner out of a helicopter. Nuff' Said.

7) Sinestro Corps War One Shot
Parallax, The Anti-Monitor, Superboy Prime, and Sinestro band together to form a terrifying army that will tear across the cosmos. This is where the war started, and it might be one of the greatest opening acts I've ever read in a comic.

8) Superman: Secret Identity #1
If I could, I'd pick this whole mini series, but since I can't, I'll go with issue one. This is where we're introduced to a boy named Clark Kent who somehow gets Superman's powers, and we see the ramifications of such a situation. I would go as far as to say that this is the best Superman story since Alan Moore wrote the character.

9) Justice League International #4
Only because Batman knocks Guy Gardner's lights out.

10) Runaways Volume 1 #1
This kicks off one of the most original series to come from Marvel since the late 1980's. Sharp dialogue and great art made this a maddeningly good debut issue.

Wesley's list.....

1) Dark Knight Returns Book #4
The age old question; who would win in a fight? Superman or Batman? Frank Miller dared to answer this riddle in this groundbreaking interpretation of The Dark Knight. It remains the most influential and breathtaking story that has ever been published.

2) Amazing Spider-Man #121
This controversial comic showed that good cannot always win in the world of comics. This was the first book to show that comics didn’t always have a happy ending and changed the way comics have been written since that issue.

3) Watchman #12
The exiting conclusion to one of the most beloved comic books in American History. This story wrapped up everything that happened in the series and makes me want to love villains even more than I already do. Some of the best writing I have ever seen.

4) Action Comics #1
The first superhero comic of all time. The basis for all comics after 1938. That’s that.

5) Batman: The Killing Joke
A deeper look into the origins of the Joker as well as the crippling of Barbara Gordon. Alan Moore is at his best and Brian Bolland’s art makes it even more spectacular.

6) All Star Superman #1
A Grant Morrison story I could actually follow, full of great story telling, shocking twists and superb art. I didn’t think anyone could ever tell a better Superman story.

7) Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
The death of a Kryptonian is always disheartening. This miniseries changed the DC universe forever. By Marv Wolfman and George Perez.

8) The Goon #1 (Avatar)
The first time you see him (the Goon) he is bashing a monsters head in with a lead pipe. Awesome story, and art. Kudos Eric Powell.

9) Thunderbolts #1
Just when you think all of the heroes of the Marvel Universe are gone, here emerges a group of heroes ready to fight for justice, but they are not all as they seem..... Kurt Busiek’s writing skills are as impeccable as Mark Bagley’s art.

10) Justice Society of America #1
One of the best relaunch stories I have ever read. Geoff Johns has yet to stop amazing me, bringing me characters that have a rich history in the DC universe.

Adam's List.....

1) Preacher # 49
Jesse Custer and God finally come face to face. When Jesse is told by God to beg for forgiveness Jesse spits in Gods face.

2) Hellblazer # 42
John Constantine tricks the devil into drinking a beer that is made out of holy water to save a friend's soul.

3) Transmetropolitan #4
Spider Jerusalem gets an assistant and he starts to teacher journalism. Spider also shoots the President with his Bowel Disruptor.

4) New XMen # 116
Xavier shoots and kills Cassandra Nova. “Hardcore Chuck.”

5) That Yellow Bastard Chapter One
Hartigan takes both of the Roark brats' weapons.

6) Star Wars Dark Empire #2
Luke turns to the Dark side.

7) Queen & Country #1
Great Intro to the character Tara Chace.

8) Hitman #34
Tommy plays shrink to Superman, and when Superman leaves Tommy shoots a guy.

9) Nextwave #1
The Introduction of Dirk Anger, Captian #### talking about how he met Captian America once, And Fin Fang Foom. “My Robot Brain needs Beer.”

10) Daredevil #227
The first issues of the Born Again run. Karen Paige betrays Matt and the Kingpin blows up Matt's Brownstone.

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