Sunday, May 25, 2008

Staying On Topic #2

I've officially done what Jim Lee couldn't do on WildC.A.Ts: Produce two installments of something on a schedule! Okay, that was a lame joke that's been made a thousand times by message board fiends across the inter webs. The point is that I actually have made good on my promise! I am going to do a blog post every day! I AM! Okay, now that I'm done pep talking myself again, let's get down to business.

The first thing I would like to note is that I have discovered a new podcast! 11 O'clock Comics is a podcast put together by the folks who used to do the Bullpen Bulletins podcast. This time around though they are broadening the scope of the show to encompass all of the comic book world, and anything contained within it. Three episodes are out so far (I just discovered that a fourth is too, so I'm downloading that as I type), all were great fun, and I suggest you give them a look.

Besides finding another podcast to help fill my empty hours of summer, I have also become an Ebay nerd in terms of comics. I have been going through my collection and figuring out which sets of books I want to keep, and which ones I would want to pass on to someone else. By "pass on," I of course mean sell for a profit, because what kind of entrepreneur gives things away out of the goodness of their heart?

So, I've sold about 5 sets of books so far, and had some pretty good results. I haven't lost money on anything, and even though I had one set in particular that sold below what I thought it should, I had some others perform way better than I anticipated. So overall, it's been a very rewarding experience. I am finding the whole experience very reinvigorating. Everything I am selling would fall outside of the "top 5" category that was established in my post yesterday. It's a trimming of the fat in terms of my comic book collection, and it will end up making my collection more tidy. The first step is the hardest to take, because I was very hesitant to sell any of my stuff. However once you do it, you realize that the person buying your comics will probably get more enjoyment out of them than you would if you let them sit on your bookshelf.

That's all I got for right now. I will be back tomorrow! I will! But before I go, here are the three things you should be doing but you might not be (yet)......

1) Listen to Joe Strummer's song "Coma Girl" (here)
2) Watch/listen to the Merry Marvel Marching Society Record snippet that is posted on Youtube (here)
3) Read Mark Evanier's Blog (here)

Image of the day goes to Phil Hester Sketching Dr. Doom!

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