Sunday, May 25, 2008

Staying on Topic #3

Somehow, I am exceeding expectations and producing more than one post a day. What could make me want to do such a thing? What has me so jazzed? Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, that's what! What did I think? Well, glad you asked.....

Take these three points into consideration.....

1) I wasn't even born when the original three movies came out. I am not attached to this film through nostalgia. I have seen all three of these films, and I enjoy them all to varying degrees.

2) I have a lot of respect for filmmakers who try to make genre movies that will appeal to the mainstream, and how they are driven by the intense love of the genre they are trying to recreate. I love how guys like Spielberg take 180 million dollars and use it to produce what is essentially a love letter to the memories of his childhood. The whole idea of that makes me happy, because I want to be able to do something like that someday.

3) I went into this movie thinking there was no chance in hell that it could be screwed up.

Take those three things into consideration, and you should be able to understand why I'm mad. They had me buying everything in the entire movie, right up until the moment where a huge frickin' spaceship rose out of the ground. I enjoyed the alien angle, and I was willing to endure this transition from pulpy serial homage into a 1950's Sci-Fi movie homage. Then, they pushed it way too far. There should be no spaceships in Indiana Jones. That space ship was like an ultra concentrated Jar Jar Binks for this movie. Everything I previously enjoyed, most specifically the Mutt-sword-fight-between-two-speeding-jeeps-while-juggling-a-crystal-skull-punching-communist-bad-guys, were ruined! Why did they have to take that extra step? Why couldn't they use a bit of subtlety? Why did they beat me over the head with the fact that I was no longer watching an Indian Jones movie, but a George Lucas movie that is trying to act like an Indiana Jones movie?

I wanted to love this movie, and I almost did. I was enduring my friend's eye rolls throughout, explaining that this movie was awesome. I was wrong. They pulled the rug out from under me with the last twenty minutes, and I would much rather have made up my own ending.

Here are the three things you should be doing that you probably aren't.....

1) Watch Raiders of the Lost Ark
2) Watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
3) Go to a movie theater near you, and go see Iron Man again instead of Indiana Jones 4, and if you must see it, leave with exactly twenty minutes left.

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